Mobile Broadband පිළිබඳ නවතම තොරතුරු
නව සම්බන්ධතාවයක්
ලබා ගන්න
වැඩි විස්තර
Via The MyDialog App.
බාගත කරන්න
Postpaid Packages
Explore a range of mobile postpaid plans tailored for your needs, offering up to 50GB Data, Unlimited Calls to Any Network, and exclusive benefits including Data Roll-over & Data Share.
All below rentals are subjected to applicable taxes
Check out our other packages too
Data plans tailored to give you the best value for money
You can pick the package suits you the most at your convenience

Fun Blaster
The best data plans to enjoy a worry free Social Media Experience on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and YouTube.

Mobile Data Plans
Anytime Data Plans allow Dialog customers to access the internet anytime with additional 4G bonus.

Video Conferencing
Exclusively for Office 365, Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

Work & Learn Plans
Zoom, Google, Microsoft, YouTube, Education Apps and Web Browsind @ Amazing Rates

All Unlimited Data
Introducing All Unlimited Mobile Data Plans for your Unlimited Data needs.

Unlimited Netflix
Introducing Mobile Plans with Unlimited Data for Netflix.

Data Add-ons
Running out of Data? Extend your Data Quota with Anytime Data Add-Ons.

Internet Cards
Internet Cards that allow Dialog Prepaid mobile users to access the internet for the best value via the best data rates.

Data Blaster
DATA BLASTER allows Dialog customers to enjoy to a combo pack with Anytime Data 1GB, D2D 250 minutes & D2D 250 SMS.

Daily Rental
Daily Rental packages that allow Dialog customers to activate a data package on a daily basis.

Night Time Package
Download and upload all you want from midnight till the morning with night-time Data packages.
Check out our other packages too

Postpaid Fun Blaster
Enjoy Unlimited Facebook, WhatsApp & YouTube along with additional Data for other apps & services.

Anytime Data
Anytime Data Plans allow Dialog customers to access the internet anytime with additional 4G bonus.

Video Conferencing
Exclusively for Office 365, Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

Work & Learn Plans
Zoom, Google, Microsoft, YouTube, Education Apps and Web Browsing @ Amazing Rates.

All Unlimited Data
Introducing All Unlimited Mobile Data Plans for your Unlimited Data needs.

Unlimited Netflix
Introducing Mobile Plans with Unlimited Data for Netflix.

Data Add-ons
Running out of Data? Extend your Data Quota with Anytime Data Add-Ons.

Monthly Rental
Experience Sri Lanka's best Postpaid monthly rental packages with maximized data.
Check out our other packages too
අනෙකුත් සේවාවන්
පසුගෙවුම් සඳහා පෙරගෙවුම් සේවා
පසුගෙවුම් සඳහා පෙරගෙවුම් සේවාවන් Activate කර ඔබේ ජංගම පෙරගෙවුම් සබඳතාවයෙන් උපරිමයෙන් අත්විඳින්න.
වැඩි විස්තරතවත් විශේෂාංග අවශ්යද?
අපගේ අමතර සේවා සමඟ ඔබේ සබඳතාවට වටිනාකමක් එක් කරන්න.
අප සතුව තිබෙන අනෙකුත් අමතර සේවා
Frequently asked questions
ඔව්, එය කළ හැකියි. MyDialog App එකෙහි 'Change Package' මගින් හෝ ඔබේ ජංගම දුරකතනයෙන් #678# අංකය dial කර "Change Package" තෝරන්න.
MyDialog App ඩවුන්ලෝඩ් කර ලියාපදිංචි වන්න නැත්නම්, ඔබට ආසන්නතම ඩයලොග් අලෙවිසලක් මගින්ද එය සිදුකර ගත හැක.
ඔබේ Star Points සහ loyalty points නිරීක්ෂණය කිරීම සඳහා MyDialog app එක download කරන්න.